Case Study: One Customer and Two Great Saves!
The Challenge: Detail-orientated and Efficiency with freight
The Strategy: In a two-day span, one of our customers placed (3) separate shipments with us.
First shipment our professional Customer Service Representative noticed a discrepancy after examining the freight pictures. The freight given to the carrier wasn’t correct.
Second and third shipment for this customer the next day was reviewed by one of our exceptional Logistics Coordinators. He noted that this customer had two shipments arriving within hours of one another.
The Solution: Our teams went to work!
Our Customer Service Representative brought the discrepancy of the freight to the attention to the carrier and customer immediately.
Our Logistics Coordinator thoroughly reviewed all aspects of the shipments and costs and advised the customer on a more efficient process.
The Result: At CS-1 Transportation we train our Customer Service and Logistic Coordinators continuously. Its important for them to be the best in their field and work as one to ensure our customers get professional service.
This particular customer was aware of both situations and was EXTREMELY happy that CS-1 Transportation Inc. was looking out for them. They appreciate the partnership that we have developed.